Watersports Kink: What Is It and How Can It Spice Up Your Sex Life?

Watersports Kink

Are you ready to spice up your relationship? If so, you might want to try one of the most fascinating fetishes out there—watersports kink.

Wait, what! Yep, this sexy fetish may make you wet, in more ways than one. It’s actually much more common than you might think, with many couples enjoying the fetish. It’s been in the media too, thanks to Kim Kardashian’s famous sex tape, which gave golden showers plenty of attention in the public eye.

Are you thinking of trying it out yourself? If so, keep reading to find out more about watersports, including what it is, how it works, and how it can spice up your sex life.

What Exactly Is Watersports Kink?

So, you’re intrigued by the idea, but what exactly is this all about? The watersports kink definition is fairly straightforward—it’s a sexual fetish activity where one person urinates on another person.

Yep, urine. Pee. Golden liquid—this is why the activity is also known as a golden shower.

It usually involves two people, with one person performing the act on the other person, although you could definitely enjoy golden shower play as part of a threesome or an orgy. As long as everyone involved is happy to try it out, then the only limit is your imagination!

Is it Safe?

Is it safe to let someone pee on me? That’s a pretty reasonable question, since it may seem strange if it’s all new to you.

The good news is that urine is fairly sterile, so there’s a very low risk of any infections. We say ‘fairly’ because bacteria can always be present when urine leaves the body and touches the skin, so you may want to try to avoid someone else’s urine coming into contact with any cuts or scrapes on your skin.

The fetish is also best avoided if you currently have a yeast infection, HPV, or a bladder infection.

However, it’s generally considered a very safe activity, so if you want to bathe in or drink your partner’s urine, go for it! For couples that are fluid-bonded, and having unprotected sex, then drinking or playing with each others’ urine is fine.

If you’re playing with multiple partners, it’s always a good idea to get tested regularly, ensuring you’re safe and healthy.

Why Do People Like Urine Kink?

So, why do people enjoy watersports? It’s important to remember that everyone is unique and different, with their own interests and attractions.

Therefore, always be non-judgemental when it comes to sexual interests. But, if you’re curious about why people enjoy watersports kink, here are a few of the reasons.

If any of these sound familiar to you, then you may want to try it out for yourself!

It’s Taboo

One big reason why people like watersports is that it’s taboo. Going to the bathroom is usually a private, solitary activity, and the idea of seeing something you’re not supposed to see can be a massive turn-on.

We all want what we can’t have—remember in the old times, women in the Victorian period dressed covered from head to toe, so even the accidental reveal of an ankle was considered sexy.

For many, urination is similar—it’s something we aren’t ‘supposed’ to like, so that just makes it even hotter! Urination is one of the ultimate taboos, so it makes sense that it can be such a big turn-on.

If you want to take it even further, some couples also enjoy brown shower play, involving feces. However, this has a much higher risk of bacteria and disease transmission.

They Like Humiliation

For some people, the appeal of urination is the humiliation. When someone stands over you and urinates down on top of you, this can feel very dominating.

You are being used as a human toilet, and the other person has control over you. For this reason, watersports are popular with the BDSM community.

If you love the idea of being dominated completely by another person, then watersports may be something to try. Just make sure you and your partner discuss the experience in advance and both consent to what’s going to happen.

You may also want to come up with a safe word, something that either person can say at any time to indicate they feel uncomfortable and want to take a break.

The Taste and Smell Can Be a Turn-On

For others, it’s the actual urine they enjoy. As it leaves the body, it’s warm and soothing as it hits your skin.

The taste of the urine may be a turn-on as well, as it can sometimes have a slightly sweet taste. Licking the juices and urine of your partner can be something many people enjoy.

Some People Like to Try Everything At Least Once

Sometimes, you can think of sex as a sexual buffet—it’s fun to sample everything at least once! You may like the novelty of golden showers and want to try it just to check it off your sexual bucket list—nothing wrong with that!

It’s one of the popular sexual fetishes, but there are plenty of other popular kinks to try as well. You may want to try out anal, group play, voyeurism, or foot fetish play.

It’s Intimate

For many couples, watersports is one of the biggest forms of intimacy. They feel closer after sharing such a personal and intimate experience with one another.

You may find it improves your connection and is an exciting new sexual activity that you can add to your bag of tricks.

How Can I Enjoy Watersports Without Making a Mess?

Now that you know more about watersports, you may be thinking on more practical terms—how can you do it without making a mess?

Often, the solution is to use the bathroom. By doing it in the shower or bath, cleaning up will be easy—you can even enjoy a cleansing shower together once you finish!

Tiles and bathroom countertops are also easy to wash down, so we recommend starting with the bathroom.

However, if you want to bring watersports into the bedroom, it’s a good idea to either purchase vinyl sheets or put down plenty of towels. It’s hard to predict sometimes where the urine will go or how much will come out, so make sure you’re prepared in the right environment.

How Can I Talk to My Partner About It?

You’re keen on the idea of trying it—but is your partner?

It can be stressful to bring up the idea with your partner, as you don’t know how they’ll react.

However, once you understand how to communicate with your partner effectively, you should be able to talk about anything.

Start by bringing up the idea. You could say you read an article about watersports online and ask your partner what they think of it, as a way to start the conversation. 

If they sound intrigued or interested, keep the conversation going and ask if they’d ever be open to trying it. You may be surprised by how responsive they are!

For many people, it’s a turn-on to see the other person turned on, so if watersports really get you revved up, they may be willing to try it out.

However, if for any reason they are unsure, you can replicate the golden shower experience with the Whizzinator. Using a replica penis and synthetic urine, you can enjoy watersports kink without needing to use actual urine.

It may be a safer way to try it out for the first time before you give it a go for real!

Do We Need Any Special Equipment?

Luckily, watersports are pretty straightforward and nothing too special is required. All you really need is a place to do it where you can make a bit of a mess, such as a bathroom.

Plus, any towels you may want for cleaning up after.

Ok, I’m Ready—How Do I Start?

If you’re ready to actually try it out, you need to be prepared. Here are our tips for enjoying the whole process, from beginning to end.

By following the below guidelines, it can help you make sure the experience is enjoyable and safe for everyone involved.

Advanced Planning Is Key

For most couples, advance planning is key. If you want to perform a golden shower on someone else, you need to be really hydrated—otherwise, it just won’t work.

Start sipping water a few hours before the activity, until you get to the point where you feel like your bladder is full. You don’t want to feel uncomfortable, but you want to know that you have enough urine ready to go.

You’ll also want to prepare in advance so you can arrange the right space for the activity, make sure the kids aren’t home, and be sure to have enough time so that you don’t need to rush.

Or, you may even want to book a hotel for the first time, making it a memorable and special night together. Just look for one with a spacious bathroom, giving you plenty of space to enjoy yourselves.

Try to Relax

Once you’re ready to go, stand or squat over or near the person you’re giving the golden shower to. For many people new to the fetish, you may find it hard to get the flow started, as it feels unnatural to be urinating on another person.

Are you trying to make it happen, but nature just isn’t cooperating?

It can help to close your eyes, try to relax, or imagine that you’re sitting on a toilet, just like you would any other time. Once you feel more relaxed, you should be able to start your flow, building up intensity as you become more confident and comfortable.

Enjoy the Moment

It’s really happening! This is a special experience you’ve been thinking about for a long time, so savor the moment and enjoy it as much as you can.

Enjoy the sights, smells, and sounds of the experience, with both parties present in the moment. You may find that the golden shower kicks off more sexual activities, or it may be the grand finale, but either way, make the most of it.

It’s a feeling unlike anything else!

Talk About the Experience

Once the sex has finished and you’re chatting in bed, it’s good to touch base with another to talk about the expeience—especially if it was your first time.

Discuss how you both felt about the activity, what you liked, what you didn’t like, and whether or not you’d want to try it again. Communication is essential to having good sex, even if it can sometimes seem like an uncomfortable thing to talk about.

Hopefully, you were both happy and can continue to enjoy watersports kink in the future! It doesn’t need to be something you do all the time though, so you may want to discuss when and how often you’d both like to try it.

Try Out Watersports—If You Dare

Now that you know more about watersports kink, are you intrigued? If so, you may want to try it out for yourself!

There’s plenty to enjoy about watersports, so if you want to bring your ultimate fantasy to life, get started by broaching the topic with your partner. Once you both feel comfortable with it, plan your first experience.

Remember, just relax, let loose, and have fun, and you’ll be on your way to enjoying one of the most fascinating fetishes out there. It’s an intimate, erotic, and kinky fetish that can take your relationship to the next level!

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